Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)Was looking for decent pair of gel padded workout gloves that would be good for all around weightlifting as well as provide a little extra comfort and protection on my "heavy days" (just like a bad tampon commercial... ). Anyway, perused the local sporting goods stores and tried on all the usual suspects, but never did find a pair of these particular gloves available on the shelf to try on. However decided to buy them sight unseen through Amazon simply because they seemed to have all the features of the best made gloves and the fins seemed like a great idea (good fitting workout gloves are indeed hard to get off - especially after a nice sweaty workout). Was a little concerned about the sizing, but luckily their sizing (at least for size L) seems to be consistent with the sizing of the brand X and brand Y gloves I had tried on in the stores and upon arrival they fit as hoped for.
After using these gloves for a few weeks, I must say they are all I hoped they would be. My acne has cleared up, my libido has gone through the roof and even my girlfriend's mother and little sister have been openly hitting on me. Not only that but the gel padding does in fact, as I had hoped, provide sufficient comfort on those Heavy Days and at the same time the gloves provide enough dexterity that I can still fumble my cell phone out of my sweat pants pocket and fire off text messages to you know who without having to remove the gloves - and when the time does come to remove them the fins do work superbly - and personally, I think the fins are somewhat aesthetically pleasing in a sort of Mad Max Beyond ThunderDome kind of way.
I haven't ran them through the washer yet (dirty boy that I am), so I can't say how they are going to hold up to that nor can I really predict their long term durability, but I would be surprised if they don't hold up fairly well for awhile and so far I can see no obvious reasons why they won't. Overall, in my opinion a perfectly pleasing purchase worthy of my highest rating... quite unlike the reconditioned Weedeater SST25 I just bought through Amazon - but that is for another day and another review (one with a few less stars attached, unfortunately).
Meanwhile, have a great day, and cheers to all!
- Bxb
PS: on a side note, I should mention that the picture associated with the Large version of these gloves - at least at the time of purchase and still as I'm writing this - is not a very good representation of what the gloves look like at all - almost looks like a slightly different glove design. If you look at some of the other sizes available you can see what the gloves really look like.
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Schiek Sports Schiek Gloves 530, Large
Click here for more information about Schiek 530 Platinum Lifting Gloves - One Year Warranty
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